Reading (recently)

  1. Heart of Darkness

    Joseph Conrad


  2. Jane Eyre

    Charlotte Brontë


  3. The Master And Margarita

    Mikhail Bulgakov


  4. Siblings

    Brigitte Reimann


  5. Treasure Island

    Marty Ross, Robert Louis Stevenson


  6. The Odyssey



  7. Buddenbrooks

    Thomas Mann


  8. Invitation to a Beheading

    Vladimir Nabokov


  9. Catch the Rabbit

    Lana Bastašić


  10. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

    James Joyce


  11. The Iliad



  12. Roosevelt and Stalin

    Susan Butler


  13. Dubliners

    James Joyce


  14. Thus Spoke Zarathustra

    Friedrich Nietzsche


  15. Frankenstein

    Mary Shelley


  16. Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844

    Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Martin Milligan


  17. Freedom

    Angela Merkel


  18. Dead Souls

    Nikolai Gogol


  19. The Castle

    Franz Kafka


  20. Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung

    Lin Biao, Mao Zedong


  21. The Counter-Revolution of 1776

    Gerald Horne


  22. Ik woon, zoals je weet, drie hoog

    Philip Mechanicus, Irene Gibbons


  23. In dépôt

    Philip Mechanicus


  24. Of Mice and Men

    John Steinbeck


  25. The Magic Mountain

    Thomas Mann


  26. The Emperor's Tomb

    Joseph Roth


  27. Fiesta

    Ernest Hemingway


  28. Beware of Pity

    Stefan Zweig


  29. If Not Now, When?

    Primo Levi


  30. Hitler's People

    Richard J. Evans


  31. The Successor

    Ismail Kadare


  32. Steppenwolf

    Hermann Hesse


  33. The Forbidden Notebook

    Alba de Céspedes


  34. Go, Went, Gone

    Jenny Erpenbeck


  35. Sontag

    Benjamin Moser


  36. Memoirs of an Anti-Semite

    Gregor von Rezzori


  37. Emma

    Jane Austen


  38. Demian

    Hermann Hesse


  39. Psychologie en Marxisme



  40. The Trial

    Franz Kafka


  41. The Great Gatsby

    F. Scott Fitzgerald


  42. If Beale Street Could Talk

    James Baldwin


  43. Decolonial Marxism

    Walter Rodney


  44. Washington Bullets

    Vijay Prashad


  45. Minima Moralia

    Theodor W. Adorno


  46. Seeing Like a State

    James C. Scott


  47. Água Viva

    Clarice Lispector


  48. Siddhartha

    Hermann Hesse


  49. The Koran

    Michael Cook


  50. A Tale of Two Cities

    Charles Dickens
