Reading (recently)

  1. The Radetzky March

    Joseph Roth


  2. The Waves

    Virginia Woolf


  3. The Third Reich at War

    Richard J. Evans


  4. A Day in the Life of Abed Salama

    Nathan Thrall


  5. Sisters of the Cross

    Alexei Remizov


  6. The Third Reich in Power

    Richard J. Evans


  7. Guerrilla Warfare

    Ernesto Che Guevara


  8. The Wretched of the Earth

    Frantz Fanon


  9. The Coming of the Third Reich

    Richard J. Evans


  10. The Struggle for Tibet

    Tsering Shakya


  11. Rifqa

    Mohammed El-Kurd


  12. Assad, or We Burn the Country

    Sam Dagher


  13. The Myth of Sisyphus

    Albert Camus


  14. Beyond the Wall

    Katja Hoyer


  15. If We Burn

    Vincent Bevins


  16. The Twelve Chairs

    Yevgeni Petrov


  17. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

    Dee Brown


  18. The World of Yesterday

    Stefan Zweig


  19. Eichmann in Jerusalem

    Hannah Arendt


  20. The Glass Bead Game

    Hermann Hesse


  21. Orientalism

    Edward W. Said


  22. The Human Condition

    Hannah Arendt


  23. Babi Yar

    A. Anatoli


  24. The Painted Bird

    Jerzy Kosinski


  25. To Die Beautiful

    Buzzy Jackson


  26. Free

    Lea Ypi


  27. Hannah Arendt

    Samantha Rose Hill


  28. The Jakarta Method

    Vincent Bevins


  29. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

    Ilan Pappé


  30. The Hundred Years' War on Palestine

    Rashid Khalidi
