Titus Wormer

  1. tituswormer@gmail.com
  2. wooorm.com
  3. github.com/wooorm


My open source work ranges from code concepts such as parsers and syntax trees to people things such as community management.

I am experienced in JavaScript, TypeScript, Rust, Node.js, and frontend development. My experience includes topics such as tooling, web frameworks, performance, and accessibility. I know a lot about the inner workings of markdown, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, Web APIs, Node, npm, Git, GitHub, Bash. The code I work on is high quality, thoroughly tested, and documented in detail.

I am not a designer in the sense that I make pretty things, but everything I do focusses on the people that use the things I make.


unified, Open Source Software

— present

As core team member and original creator of the unified ecosystem and the 300+ projects under its umbrella, I’m making it easier for developers to develop. unified is an ecosystem of text processing libraries, plugins, and utilities. Since 2019, my work on unified has been by the community, including sponsors such as Vercel, Gatsby, Motif, HashiCorp, GitBook, American Express, Netlify, and many more.

In total, including unified, I work on open source since 2013, mostly around content, markup, natural language, compilers, and syntax trees. I maintain about ±550 GitHub repositories, ±850 npm packages, that are collectively downloaded ±40 billion times a year.

Next to monthly or one-off sponsorship companies sometimes employ me as a freelancer to develop. The most recent example is Vercel with markdown-rs and mdxjs-rs, which is how I thoroughly learned Rust. Before that was Salesforce with micromark.

Frontend Applications, Functional Programming, and Frontend Data, University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam

As coordinator (and teacher) of these three advanced technical courses, I was responsible for the curriculum and syllabus of this new track, a program on mastering frontend libraries such as D3, frameworks such as React and Vue, dealing with big datasets, and visualising data.

In an earlier iteration, when only the course frontend data existed, I built a system where students handed in code through GitHub, continuous integration automatically checked their submissions, and immediately deployed to a website when their work was up to standards. This allowed students to get feedback earlier and at all times. This worked well in “old-school” education where there is limited time for teachers and students to interact.

In this iteration, we instead focussed on finding a place where students and teachers could work full-time for six weeks to learn together. We collaborated with three public sector partners (such as the public library of Amsterdam) to work with their data and attempting to solve their challenges, in return for their facilities.

It was a lot of fun to work on actual problems and to learn together with 35 students, 10 guest speakers, 3 industry partners, and 2 teachers, building ±100 prototypes.

See GitHub.


Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam

I am a qualified teacher with 4½ years experience. I coordinated courses, lectured, mentored one-on-one and in small groups, and taught about technical topics ranging from a student’s first prototype to complex apps.

Software Engineer, AndSafety

As a developer I built apps and online services to improve quality, efficiency, and safety in the workplace.

Software Engineer, Vidacle

As a developer I built a social platform for sharing videos and telling stories.

Visiting Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam

As a visiting lecturer I taught students how to build data visualisations with D3.


B. of Communication & Multimedia Design, University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam

I studied at a design bachelor program focused on interactive digital products and services. Half way through my studies I started focussing on how to make those things into reality with code.